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Meet our Guys

AKC Miniature American Shepherds
ASDR Australian Shepherds


High Rocking's Granite Banks on the Panhandle

AKC Miniature American Shepherd

ASDR Miniature Australian Shepherd

Banks was highly anticipated and turned out to be more than we expected. His demeanor is precisely what we wanted in that he is energetic, goofy and loving, with medium to low food drive and so far not interested in too much barking :). He is heavy boned, the perfect amount of THICC. He stands at 15" and weighs 38 lbs. Banks is clear, accept for DM, of which he is a carrier.

Skyfall's Cash Jackpot - Exodus

AKC Miniature American Shepherd

ASDR Toy Australian Shepherd

12" and 12 lb

This little guy was given to us because his previous owner is taking a hiatus and loves our program priorities. We are both thrilled and blessed to be trusted with him. He has assimilated flawlessly, a sign of his temperament and good breeding. Watch for him bred to Maggie and/or Sassy for some little buddies!


Always in the Dirt - Bug

ASDR Toy Australian Shepherd

Bug is 16" with a thick, long, straighter coat. He has thrown some blue eyed tri babies depending upon the cross. He is owned by my Mama and loved dealy by us both. He's Sassy and Frost's sire. Bug is Full Panel Clear.


12" and 15lb

ASDR Toy Australian Shepherd

AKC Miniature American Shepherd

This boy is cheerful, sweet and bidable. Structurally he's amazing, I'm so pround to have him. He gets along well with 

everyone and is such a joy to live with. 



Many Rivers to Cross on the Panhandle
11" and 10 lbs

ASDR Australian Shepherd


River is our smallest dog in size but not in personality. He's my bestest buddy. He talks just enough to let me know what he wants, and make me laugh. He dances on his hind legs and his tail never stops going. He even tells me when it's time to go to bed for the night, by 9:30 at the latest! :) He loves playing with any and all other dogs and I can't wait to see what he produces for us!


Back Country BC2 Porter Blues - Porter

AKC Miniature American Shepherd

ASDR Miniature Australian Shepherd

Porter is one of Back Country's homegrown boys and is the sweetest, gentle, medium drive, laid back kind of guy!  He loves everybody and gets along great with all the other dogs. He was a pleasure to meet and very well mannered. I was and still am so excited to have used him in our program. 


16" tall 30 lbs, black tri with blue eyes.  Red factored.


Clear full genetic panel through Wisdom Panel Optimal Selection.

PRA-PRCD Carrier only.




M-Locus: m/m


OFA Hips: Good

OFA Elbows: Normal


Sire: Rikashays Painted Illusion "TJ Clide"

 17.5" tall and 40 lbs, blue eyed red merle


Dam: Back Country Bonnie Lass

 17" tall and 32 lbs, blue eyed black tri 

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